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This pollution profiteering has to stop

In 2022, we saw record-breaking increases in gas prices. Of course, this caused a flurry of debate about the cause, as regular Americans couldn't afford the rising prices. Politicians attempted to place the blame wherever they could. But the true culprit?

Greedy oil companies.

Oil prices spiked after the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the expected result of democratic nations refusing to support Vladimir Putin's authoritarian regime. Unfortunately, the United States did not have the clean energy infrastructure to compensate for the loss. Big Oil saw the opportunity and pounced.

Eager to make a profit, they inflated gas prices and kept them artificially high long after the price of oil had decreased.

Their disgusting greed hurts our planet and people alike. We must hold these companies accountable for their price gouging. Sign the petition today and tell Congress to penalize Big Oil for taking advantage.

Big Oil has shown again and again its willingness to betray humanity just to turn a profit.

While gas prices have begun to fall, Big Oil is still expected to rake in massive profits in 2023. With no penalty for their actions, the American people and the planet will pay the price as oil companies continue to turn their contribution to the climate crisis into cash.

This pollution profiteering has to stop.

Thanks to the Inflation Reduction Act and its record investment in clean energy, we're beginning the process of weaning ourselves from dirty fossil fuels. This legislation creates millions of climate jobs, helping the environment and our economy.

We must take it a step further and stop rewarding dirty fossil fuel companies for their insatiable greed. Sign the petition and tell Congress to hold Big Oil accountable for their price gouging.

More to come,


Posted on January 24, 2023.