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Despite all they could throw at it, the Endangered Species Act Survives to Turn 50!

This month marks 50 years since the Endangered Species Act became law. The Endangered Species Act was and still is some of the most comprehensive environmental legislation.

It provides protection for listed endangered or threatened plants and animals, including processes to add and remove species from the list. It creates a framework for plans for restoration and encourages collaboration between agencies to better protect species.

From our national symbol, the bald eagle, to the little bog turtle, the Endangered Species Act has helped to rehabilitate the populations of species on the verge of extinction.

Take the whooping crane, for example. Native to North America, hunting and habitat loss had devastated its population. In 1941, there were only 21 whooping cranes left. Thanks to the Endangered Species Act protections, the population is now over 500.

The Endangered Species Act didn't just happen. People like you and me pushed to make it a reality. Regular people caring about the environment came together and built a movement with Earth Day, 1970, to protect our endangered species – and years later, won!

Their first victory came in 1966 with the signing of the Endangered Species Preservation Act, which allowed land acquisition to conserve some native fish and wildlife. They kept pushing. In 1969, the federal government expanded the list of endangered animals. Still, they kept pushing. Finally, in 1973, President Nixon bowed to popular demand and signed the Endangered Species into law.

The Endangered Species Act shows what we can accomplish when we come together. More than 50 years ago, that movement pushed and pushed, and now we have comprehensive legislation that regulates the preservation of our threatened and endangered species.

Of course, we are just getting started. There is more work to be done. There are still mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, mussels, and more in grave danger of extinction. Here at Global Warming Solutions, we are creating a movement that is pushing our leaders, holding them accountable to enact big, bold climate policy to help save much more than individual species - we're saving entire ecosystems inclusive of all indigenous species.

Today is our critical end-of-month fundraising deadline. Would you join us with a donation of $3?

Together, we'll continue to push our lawmakers to take big bold action to further protect all species, our communities, our planet, and our quality of life.


Posted on February 28, 2023.