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Check out Rob’s op-ed about forests!

Here at Global Warming Solutions, we talk a lot about carbon: carbon emissions, carbon footprint, carbon storage, and so on. That's because excess carbon in the atmosphere is the leading cause of rising global temperatures and climate change.

We must reduce our carbon emissions and bolster our carbon storage. One way to do that is to protect forests.

Our savvy leader here at Global Warming Solutions, Rob Moir, has published a great op-ed about why it is imperative that we protect our forests. Check it out:

Saving Forests With Carbon Offset Rewards For Not Cutting, Let Forests Grow Old, The Environmental Magazine

An 80-year-old forest of trees draws out more than twice as much carbon as a 40-year-old forest. With over 800 million acres of forest in the United States, we have an excellent opportunity to reduce the impact of climate change by protecting our forests.

Of course, the logging industry is a concern. So, Rob is advocating for a public matching fund to help landowners afford to let their forests grow. This public matching fund would pay the value of timber cuts on state properties. The fund will also pay landowners with ten-year forestry management plans the expected timbering revenue not to cut down trees.

Letting forests grow old captures more carbon than planting trees and benefits our quality of life.

With more green and less erosion, sedimentation, and harmful algal blooms from runoff, research indicates we can slow sea level rise by as much as twenty-five percent.

Together, we can slow the rising temperatures and protect our planet for generations to come.

Team Global Warming Solutions

Posted on April 11, 2023.