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Finally, a president who appreciates conservation!

I have exciting news to share with you!

The Biden Administration has laid out a bold vision to conserve and restore 30 percent of our nation's land and waters by 2030. Biden's "America the Beautiful" plan sets the first-ever national conservation goal.

And not a moment too soon. Our nation's pollinators and critical ecosystems are being decimated. As a result, twelve thousand species need conservation assistance to avoid extinction.

Our oceans and wetlands are also rapidly declining, and without action, our environment will continue to deteriorate. We've lost 70 percent of the bull kelp off the Northern Coast of California in the last ten years. In the Florida Keys, 90 percent of live corals have been lost, and our nation's wetlands in the lower 48 states have been reduced by half.

Make no mistake: We're in crisis mode, and conservation is one of the key ways to combat climate change and preserve our precious land and waters.

It's not rocket science — if we conserve at least 30 percent of our land and waters by 2030, we will protect them from dirty fossil fuel production and pollution.

The Biden plan will expand protections of critical fish and wildlife habitats and corridors, increase access to outdoor recreation, support Tribal-led conservation and restoration efforts, and much more.

Nearly one-third of the American population – more than 100 million people – doesn't have access to a park within a ten-minute walk from home. Many communities that lack access to clean air, clean water, and nature are the same communities that are negatively impacted by fossil fuel production and pollution.

Biden's 30 x 30 plan will create more parks and outdoor opportunities, especially in communities of color and low-income neighborhoods that lack the most access to parks and recreation.

We must expand protections for our land and waters if we're going to preserve delicate ecosystems, regenerate depleted marine life, fight climate change, and ensure Americans can enjoy these scenic and wild places for generations to come.

I am looking forward to seeing more details from President Biden's 30 x 30 plan and appreciate his commitment to restoring and protecting America's land and waters.

More soon,


Posted on May 4, 2023.