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Help keep the right whale afloat – urge Congress to act!

The sight of a right whale gliding through the ocean, with the sun glinting off its smooth, dark skin, is a sight that leaves one feeling humbled and awestruck. It is a creature that inspires, fills one with a sense of wonder and awe, and reminds us of nature's infinite power and beauty.

However, this magnificent species is facing a grave threat. The right whale population has declined significantly, with estimates suggesting that fewer than 350 remain in the wild.

Human activities, such as ship strikes, commercial fishing, and climate change, are contributing to their demise. Ship traffic can result in collisions, causing fatal injuries to whales, while the construction of large fishing nets and other fishing gear can entangle and injure them. Climate change has also contributed to a decline in the availability of zooplankton and small fish, reducing the availability of the right whale's primary food sources.

We cannot afford to wait any longer to take action. That's why we need your help to urge Congress to protect the right whale.

In 2022, the Right Whale Coexistence Act was introduced, which would have provided crucial financial assistance for projects designed to reduce the harmful effects of human activities on North Atlantic right whales. But unfortunately, it never made it to the floor. This legislation is necessary to protect this majestic creature, and without it, the North Atlantic right whale faces the very real risk of disappearing forever.

Protecting the right whale should be a national priority.

Please take action now and sign my petition. Doing so can make your voice heard and help us create a better future for the North Atlantic right whale.

Together, we can make a difference and ensure a better future for the right whale,


Posted on May 8, 2023.