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Our oceans deserve a standing ovation! 🌊🌊🌊

Today is World Ocean Day! It's a day to celebrate the marvelous ocean and take action toward ocean conservation.

We are so lucky to have oceans full of natural wonders and mind-boggling ecosystems. They're like the engine that keeps our planet running smoothly.

Since I was fourteen and attended my first Earth Day celebration, I've been working to protect our oceans, not just because of their beauty but because our oceans' health is interconnected with our planet's overall health.

The ocean provides at least 50% of the oxygen on Earth. Thanks to the fantastic work of phytoplankton, algae, and seaweed, oxygen is released into the water through photosynthesis. And that oxygen is crucial for the survival of marine life. The ocean's surface also helps to exchange oxygen with the atmosphere, so we get oxygen in the air, too.

The health and stability of the oceans are essential for maintaining a balanced water cycle and ensuring we have enough freshwater resources. They serve as a primary source of moisture for evaporation, contribute to cloud formation, and provide a sink for precipitation. And ocean currents help distribute heat and moisture across the planet.

Our oceans harbor an incredible array of plant and animal species, many of which are yet to be discovered. Through ocean conservation, we can promote biodiversity and protect the species, like the right whale, that depend on them.

Oceans are essential for global food security. Overfishing, habitat destruction, and pollution can severely deplete fish stocks and disrupt marine ecosystems. Sustainable fishing practices, protecting critical habitats, and maintaining healthy marine ecosystems can ensure the long-term availability of fish and other seafood resources for current and future generations.

Finally, oceans help mitigate climate change by acting as massive carbon sinks, absorbing vast amounts of carbon dioxide from the air. However, too much carbon dioxide from burning fossil fuels increases ocean acidification and harms marine life.

Our oceans deserve a standing ovation, so I hope you'll join me in celebrating and preserving the sea today and every day!

More soon,


Posted on June 8, 2023.