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From storms to solutions

Climate change has triggered extreme weather events like floods and droughts, wreaking havoc on communities worldwide. It disrupts the regular rainfall patterns, leading to changes in precipitation timing, intensity, and distribution. This leads to unpredictable levels of rainfall in many areas.

To effectively adapt to climate change, we need practical solutions to slow down water movement and promote the replenishment of groundwater by utilizing soil and green spaces. However, the question remains: how can we accomplish this?

One approach is to incentivize property owners to pump stormwater into the ground. By doing so, we can minimize stormwater damage, increase water absorption in the land and soils, and ensure consistent river flow during dry months. This method avoids the high costs of purchasing real estate where water could infiltrate into the ground and promotes fairness where those with lots of impervious surfaces stop stormwater from flowing off their properties. A price on pumped water enables banks to make revenue projections and finance the construction of Community Water and Energy Resource Centers.

Here at Global Warming Solutions, we are dedicated to building a grassroots movement that supports innovative policies to confront the climate crisis head-on. Will you chip in now before our end-of-quarter deadline and help continue this important work?


In Massachusetts, we are drafting the Slow Water Drought Relief Carbon Offset Fund. This fund aims to compensate property owners for pumping water into the ground by giving credit off their water bills. The cost of managing water stays the same no matter how much people conserve. Therefore, the fund will provide upfront payments to water managers to offset potential revenue losses.

Essentially we are creating a rainy day fund for water.

Investing in water pumping brings significant benefits, including increased resilience during droughts, reduced irrigation needs for plants, minimized flood damages, higher water levels in rivers, and mitigation of sea-level rise. It also leads to quality-of-life improvements such as more green vegetation, shade, windbreaks, and improved cooling and warming effects by plants.

Our commitment to combating climate change means supporting leaders and advocating for policies like the Slow Water Drought Relief Carbon Offset Fund that benefit our people and planet. Please join the fight with a donation now before our end-of-quarter fundraising deadline.

Together, we can minimize droughts and create more verdant local neighborhoods and landscapes while slowing climate change with more carbon drawdown into organic soils.

More soon,


Posted on June 28, 2023.