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Cut the smoke; clear the air. Tell Biden to declare a climate emergency

Smoke from wildfires in Canada is causing hazy skies and poor air quality for millions of people in North America. I took this photo in Washington DC a few weeks ago. The air was filled with so much smoke that the Washington Monument was barely visible!

Picture of a hazy Washington DC skyline where the Washington Monument is barely visible.

While human activities and land management practices also contribute, climate change worsens the conditions that make wildfires more frequent and severe.

Rising temperatures and drier conditions due to climate change create a more favorable environment for wildfires to start and spread. The fire season is getting longer because of earlier springs and drier vegetation, giving wildfires a larger window to occur. Climate change also leads to more fuel availability as dry vegetation becomes abundant. Insect infestations and tree mortality caused by climate change weaken forests and provide additional fuel for fires. Changes in rain and snowfall patterns and more frequent heatwaves further increase the risk of wildfires by creating drought conditions and drying out vegetation.

As the climate crisis escalates, wildfires will become more frequent and deadly. It's important that we utilize every tool at our disposal to fight for a sustainable future.

It's time for the Biden administration to declare a climate emergency under the National Emergencies Act. This declaration would empower us to reinstate the crude oil export ban, halt new fossil fuel projects and drilling, redirect disaster relief funds toward building renewable energy systems in vulnerable communities, and mobilize companies to expedite the transition to renewable transportation and clean power generation.

Please sign our petition and urge President Biden to declare a climate emergency today.


Dirty fossil fuel companies are lobbying hard to expand their operations. It's time we said no more!

President Biden has the authority to reject approvals for new fossil fuel projects and implement a phased approach to reducing fossil fuel production on federal lands and waters. Scientists have emphasized the importance of these actions to stay within the global warming limits necessary to prevent the most catastrophic consequences of climate change.

Climate change is already an emergency, and we cannot afford to delay. We urgently need a declaration of emergency and an immediate halt to federal approval for new fossil fuel projects.

President Biden has the power to lead us toward a sustainable future, and it's vital that he acts decisively.

Sign here now and let President Biden know it's time to declare a climate emergency!

Climate change is here now. Together, we can make a difference!

More soon,


Posted on July 6, 2023.